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Certificate for energy performance of buildings is document that is issued for new buildings based on a design project after completion, where as for existing buildings based on energy audit. These certificates are issued by companies with License for performance of energy control. With these documents is also shown the nominal energy demand for heating of the building, that is basis for determining the energy class that can be from A+ as best, down to G as the least efficient. The Certificate also states the calculated CO2 emission annually, based on the building exploitation. The Certificates for energy characteristics of buildings are mandatory part of the documentation for getting a usage permit.

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ADORA about us: „Delta Proekt fini-shed their assignments professionally, timely and with high quality. We express our satisfaction of the per-formed services and strongly recommend Delta Proekt as a company for cooperation“.

TORAX about us: „The company and its employees completed their assig-nments according the specific objectives duly on time and professionally. We strongly recom-mend Delta Proekt to all potential clients“.

Certificate for energy performance of buildings is document that is issued for new buildings based on a design project after completion, where as for existing buildings based on energy audit. These certificates are issued by companies with License for performance of energy control. With these documents is also shown the nominal energy demand for heating of the building, that is basis for determining the energy class that can be from A+ as best, down to G as the least efficient. The Certificate also states the calculated CO2 emission annually, based on the building exploitation. The Certificates for energy characteristics of buildings are mandatory part of the documentation for getting a usage permit.

   Energy efficiency: License for performance of energy control

  • Recognition of the energy efficiency of the residential, industrial and commercial buildings

  • Studies for improvement and maintaining of the energy efficiency

  • Implementation of the measures for improvement of the energy efficiency

  • Consultancy and education of energy efficiency and renewable energies

  • Environmental projects



30 buildings with total area of 95.455 m2


117 buildings with total area of 573.089 m2

Yellow Frame Windows
Market Analysis


40 buildings with total area of 145.450 m2


12 objects with total gross area of 22.674 m2

Plant Presentation
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