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Energy audit is review of the technical characteristics of a building and the way of energy use. The Report is an official document that is a result of a conducted energy audit.  In it is all data from the systematic review of the thermal characteristics of technical constructions, technical systems and installations of the building. With this document the technical and financial possibilities for saving energy are presented, as well as, the price of cost for the same and the period of return of investment. The goal of this document is to receive recommendations  for increasing the energy efficiency of the buildings and the finances for energy rehabilitation, as well as, certification for the buildings. 

Energy audit is performed by companies with License for performance of energy control.

Elementary school in Orovnik, Ohrid

Before energy efficiency measures

After energy efficiency measures

Muncipality of Kocani

Before energy efficiency measures

After energy efficiency measures

Center for development of the Southwest Planning Region about us: „Experts who participated in the development of the technical documentation profes-sionally and conscientiously prepared them within the required period“.

TORAX about us: „The company and its employees completed their assignments according the specific objectives duly on time and professionally. We strongly recommend Delta Proekt to all potential clients“.

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